picture posts

Newcastle Picture Project

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Another picture post. These are some previous images I took a while back of the fabulous Newcastle Quay Side.

Animals In Captivity

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One thing I’ve had to do is find ways of occupying my time. I’ve been unable to get around much and its a while since I’ve been able to pick up my camera. I’ve decided that one thing I can do is re look at some of the images I’ve taken in the past and sort them into short projects. This the first of these mini projects. I took this pictures while visiting Edinburgh Zoo with the family last year. I’ve called it my animals in captivity collection and will add to it as I go. If you would like to use these images for any purpose please do the courtesy of a quick email using the contact form below. In the comments box explain what you intend to use the pictures for. If its for commercial use then I may suggest a donation to one of the cancer charities.